How to Check for Potable Water beneath Your Feet

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Australia is one of the most arid countries on earth, and if statistics are to be believed, appears to be getting more so. If you intend to set up a new homestead in a particularly rural area, this means that you're going to have to take matters into your own hands when it comes to your supply of water. The good news is that there is a great source of water beneath your feet in underground aquifers, and your first task will be to locate a usable source with water bore drilling. What do you need to know about this solution, the permissions necessary, and the techniques used?


Your primary objective will be to find a supply of clean and potable water that can be used in the long-term without undue restriction. There are a number of commercial operations in your area that will carry out the investigation for you, but it needs to be done according to a specific process.

Location Sourcing

To begin with, you or your representative will need to get in touch with your local geological office as they will have the full detail of underground aquifers and prospect areas. You'll want to ensure that your chosen location is suitable before you make permanent arrangements.


Once you've made that decision, you will need to get a permit from your local authority, and you should check directly with the office as details change from state to state. Typically, however, you will have to pay a small fee to get a permit to proceed.

Experience Is Crucial

It's important for you to choose a contractor who is experienced in drilling water bores as they will need to work carefully to preserve the aquifer and the environment. They will also need to bring in the right type of equipment at all levels of the operation.

Careful Access

The government will be very keen to ensure that the underground aquifer is protected from contamination. This means that the bore itself must be protected so that stormwater run-off is kept out at all times. The contractor will also need to be careful to locate the correct aquifer and not to contaminate different aquifers through poor workmanship.

Checking for Quality

Once the aquifer has been reached, a sample must be taken and sent to a local laboratory for testing. It needs to be certified as safe for human consumption, domestic or agricultural use and checked to see that it does not contain any microorganisms or other chemicals that could be deemed as unsafe. If the results that come back from the lab are negative, then that particular bore has to be closed down.

First Things First

To start the process, get in touch with a licensed contractor for more information and before you begin your survey work.
