Preparing for a Smooth, Efficient Air Conditioning Installation

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Air conditioning can be one of the best investments you can make for your home, especially if you're somewhere with really hot summers. There's really no more powerful and efficient way to keep your environment at a comfortable temperature, and it will totally transform your experience of hot days.

Deciding to get air conditioning installed is a big move, and one that potentially involves a lot of work to complete. To make sure your installation company can get the job done quickly, you should make a few preparations in advance. Run through these steps and you'll be all set for the installation.

Make any final decisions

If you haven't settled on all the finer details, it's vital that you do so as soon as possible. You need to know what type of air conditioning unit you're having, where everything is going to go and, of course, when your installation is booked for.

Check you've provided the necessary information

The installation company will need information about the size of your home and probably how many windows and doors there are. They'll also want various measurements so they can plan in advance. Someone might come out to you to collect this information, or you may be expected to provide it yourself. Make sure you've made the arrangements for this as early as possible, or you risk holding up the whole project or discovering on the day that the installation can't be completed.

Clear the area

The places where equipment is going to be installed should, of course, be clear of any obstructions. Remember that your home will be a temporary workplace for the installation team, so make sure it's safe for them to work. Clear any hazards and ensure they can get around easily.

Check outside

Don't forget that part of the air conditioning equipment will be situated outside the house. You'll need to determine exactly where this will be and clear it of any obstructions, including trees and other plants, sheds, and gardening equipment.

Make any extra arrangements

If you have young children or pets, it might be best if they're out of the way during the installation, as they can obstruct the workers or even put themselves in danger. Try and arrange for someone to look after them for you.

There's a possibility that, during the installation, your power will be switched off for a while. If this will have a serious impact on your day, for example, if you work from home, sort out an alternative solution so you're not caught out.
